July 4th Lifehacks

It’s time to gather your families, grills, and American spirit! Independence day is nearly here, so we’re all getting ready for food, fireworks, and fun! But this year, up your game with these 4 ingenious July 4th Hacks:


1. Fruit Kabobs

Make these easy and impressive firework fruit kabobs! 

What you will need:

  • A large watermelon
  • 2 or 3 cartons of blueberries
  •  A large package of wooden skewers
  • A star cookie cutter


  • Carefully cut your watermelon down the width into round slices. Each slice should be around 1 1/2″ – 2″ thick
  • Use your cutter to cut out as many stars from each slice as you can
  • Skewer your desired amount of blueberries onto the wooden sticks, leaving room for the watermelon stars
  • Finally, add your stars and you’re all done!

PLUS! Add your leftover stars to a fruit salad to bring it to the next level!


2. Lawn Stars


What you will need:

  • A large cardboard box
  • A pen or pencil
  • A star template (optional) **
  • A ruler
  • Scissors or an Exacto knife
  • Flour OR Eco-friendly spray paint (like construction marking paint)

**If you don’t happen to have a giant star template lying around, you can download a star image from the internet and print it out large using the poster option when you print. This will print out the large image onto a few standard size papers that you can tape together.

The Concrete Cottage.com


  • Unfold your cardboard box and lay it flat on a clean work surface.
  • Using your template, trace your star onto the cardboard. Alternatively, you can hand draw it.
  •  Using your ruler and Exacto, or scissors, carefully cut out the star shape.**
  • Arrange your star stencil on your lawn as desired
  • Carefully sprinkle flour over your stencil, or spray it until you have good color.
  • Remove stencil carefully. If you are using flour, it’s a good idea to brush the excess that collects on your stencil back on to the star before you take off the stencil. Use a broom or brush.
  • Repeat and enjoy your awesome lawn!

**Young children should never use blades without supervision! Make sure you have an adult to help you if you are under the age of 12.


3. July 4th Wands


What you will need:

  • Wood dowels – about 1/4″ x 12″
  • A bunch of different red, white and blue ribbons
  • Screw eyes – 8 x 18mm
  • Red spray paint (optional)




  • Spray paint the wooden dowel red (optional).
  • Cut a variety of ribbons ranging in length from 15″ to 30″.
  • Thread your ribbons through the hole of the screw eye.
  • You can tie the ribbons, but if you pack in enough, the ribbons will hold in place.
  • Give to kids and adults alike!  Put one by each place setting on your table and BAM. Instant awesomeness. You’re welcome.


4. Paper Chains

What you will need:

  • A few sheets of free printable stars and stripes. Click Here to get it.


  • Red, white and blue construction paper


  • Red, white and blue streamers
  • Scissors or stapler
  • Tape

Love the Day.com


  • Cut out your strips
  • Make a loop with a strip
  • Add another on to the first loop
  • Repeat until you have your desired length
  • Hang these all over, or, use a few chains on a doorway to make a cool curtain!


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