Wife of Luitenant Commander, Rabbi Naftali Kreisler.
Ora Kreisler is the wife of a Lieutenant Commander, Navy Chaplain, Rabbi Naftali Kreisler. They live, together with their 3 young sons, in Jacksonville, NC, near the base of Camp Lejeune.
When Ora contacted Undercover Waterwear to find out more about our “Brand Ambassador Program” we couldn’t have been more thrilled!
Military service is not something foreign to Ora. Both her father and grandfather served in the Military, as well as her brother, sister and brother in law, who are all currently officers in the Army. So when she thought of marriage, her ideal spouse was someone that would be a Military Chaplain. Although she didn’t know it, when her husband, Naftali, was pursuing her, he was exactly the man that she herself was looking for. Needless to say, they were destined to a life of serving not only G-d, but also their country, .
And that’s just what they do. Besides for taking care of their 3 active sons, ages 6 to 1 ½, Ora also helps her husband in fulfilling the Jewish needs of anyone in Jacksonville. Her husband is Chaplain for an infantry training command, runs the shul on base, as well as any services and Holiday events. Ora tells us that her husband is “hired as Rabbi to be Chaplain, but all Chaplains are for all military, as well as their specific religious group’s needs.”
Having a husband in the military means that often it’s the wife that has to “hold down the fort.”
As Ora tells UCWW.
“There’s almost a sisterhood with Chaplains wives and all Military wives. We know that we’re keeping the family going even when the husband is deployed. There’s a constant support because we know our husbands can always get deployed at any time. “
Ora and her husband spent almost every Jewish Holiday away from each other for the first 6 years of their marriage. For the past 2 years, Rabbi Kreisler has been on shore duty, meaning that he is not expected to be deployed for the time being. In those first years of marriage, Ora would create beautifully laminated photo collages for her husband to take with him overseas, so he could feel like he has a bit of his family, even though he was thousands of miles, and many words away.
Ora appreciates her wonderful, accepting neighborhood, but “The biggest challenge is with our children not having a Jewish community. It takes more focus and effort, to create a well rounded feeling of what it is to lead a Jewish life. Creating for them a love of Judaism, you need to put a concerted effort into the details”.
We, at Undercover Waterwear hope that we have helped a little in that respect. For Ora having the ability to wear modest swimwear while taking care of her kids, she will be able to stay an active and fun mom, without compromising her religious beliefs of modesty.
In Oras words “I am quite comfortable with the choice to wear modest swimwear/activewear, and I love the beautiful design and excellent quality of Undercover Waterwear, so that’s an added incentive! I have also chosen to have my sons wear more modest beach attire because not only do I feel that it is so very important to have the sun protection, but also to respect our bodies and to keep our focus on more important aspects of who we are. Healthy bodies, healthy minds. Thank Gd!”
And today, as July 4th weekend comes to an end, we’d like to thank Ora, her family, and the thousands of Military personnel that have sacrificed their lives and comforts, to give us Americans the life and comforts that living in this wonderful country has afforded us!
Did you know? Our Modest Swimwear is proudly made in the USA!
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