A decade or two back it was difficult to find modest swimwear in most of the Western world. There were few takers as skimpy bikinis and bare-all Brazilian bottoms were synonyms for beach fashion. Women who didn’t don these, hardly made it to the beaches. Modest swimwear was targeted towards religious and faith based communities. A lot has changed in the last few years and today women walking into the beach wearing modest swimwear are called sexy. Beyond Religion & Orthodox Practices Some might link the popularity of modest swimwear with increasing number of women from religious and orthodox backgrounds walking into the beach. This however isn’t the only reason as unlike the 1970s and 80s baring skin is no...
Wife of Luitenant Commander, Rabbi Naftali Kreisler. Ora Kreisler is the wife of a Lieutenant Commander, Navy Chaplain, Rabbi Naftali Kreisler. They live, together with their 3 young sons, in Jacksonville, NC, near the base of Camp Lejeune. When Ora contacted Undercover Waterwear to find out more about our “Brand Ambassador Program” we couldn’t have been more thrilled! Military service is not something foreign to Ora. Both her father and grandfather served in the Military, as well as her brother, sister and brother in law, who are all currently officers in the Army. So when she thought of marriage, her ideal spouse was someone that would be a Military Chaplain. Although she didn’t know it, when her husband, Naftali, was...
When Amanda Kaszupski was planning her first boating trip of the season, she enlisted the help of Undercover Waterwear.
When kayaking or canoeing, getting wet is inevitable. So what does one wear? Clothing or bathing suit? Amanda figured out that pairing a pair of swim-leggings with our Turbo rashguard top was the perfect solution!
We all know that being in the water attracts even more sun, so our rashguard top, with UPF 50+ sun-protection, really comes in handy, keeping you sun-safe!
A fun surprise in our Turbo Rashguard Swim-Top is a red back! Amanda created a sporty look, incorporating the red back with a cute red headband.
Seriously… who looks this good in a canoe?
How to perfectly style the perfect Swimdress with the help of @the_modestmom So it’s summer… a time for beaches, pools, and of course, waterparks! While most moms are always focusing on the bathing suits, sun-block, and towels for the kids, let’s not forget an important traveler… YOU! Looking for an easy, chic solution, @the_modestmom found the Swimdress as the perfect fit! Pairing her dress with a cool sun-hat, some oversized sunglasses, and easy sandals, she has definitely added some Glam to the waterpark! The benefit of a swimdress is the ease, and no-maintenance involved. Leaving you to tend to your little ones, or focus on whatever it is your doing, while still looking fashionable and put-together. Love...
It’s Summer Time in the Northern Hemisphere and time to head out to the beach. When the sun is soaring most of us wait eagerly to go to the beach. It allows us to be at our best and enjoy life to the fullest. A day under the hot sun can be ruined if you don’t have the right kit along with you. At UndercoverWaterwear we recently conducted a contest on Instagram and Facebook where we asked our followers to rate the most important items in their beach bags and we were overwhelmed with the response. While some responses were obvious, others were not quite so. So before you start packing your beach bag, here are a few essential times...